Psalm 96

Psalm 96 is a call to praise God and celebrate his victorious reign over the earth in anticipation of his coming to judge the world. This psalm appears to have been part of David’s song of celebration during the bringing up of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. David’s song recorded in 1 Chronicles 16:23–33 appears to be a blend of Psalm 96 with 105 and 106.
In the light of God’s coming Psalm 96 exhorts all the earth to acknowledge Yahweh as the only God and to give him praise as the creator and Lord of all. The means for this happen however is the proclamation of God’s people who are called to proclaim his salvation among the nation and to declare that ‘The LORD reigns.’
It is interesting to note how this exhortation is so well represented in Jesus’ ministry and that of the apostles after him whose message of salvation focused on the proclamation that ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’ Thy proclaimed the Lordship of Christ and exhorted people to acknowledge him and come under his rule while the time of amnesty lasted for all those in conflict with God. They were doing exactly what Psalm 96 is exhorting us all to do.